1. Levi your content is incredible! Perchance do you have a post regarding what all of us should be doing to fight these injustices? If one doesn’t exist you should definitely write one.

    My impression of the anti-vaccine movement is that it is relying too much on the leadership of a few key individuals. I think it’d be stronger if there were ways to make it more scalable to allow individuals everywhere to take action.

    If ever you want to discuss strategy please email me. I’ve been trying to think through the issues.


  2. I would say in addition to NOT put your baby into daycare. If you can’t avoid it, try to find one woman to care for only your baby. Or, if you must, a woman who cares for the smallest number of other children you can find. And breastfeed for as long as possible, at least two years. Do NOT take your baby out where there are possible germ bearers. A walk in the stroller to the park is fine if you don’t let anyone get close enough to breathe on him. Babies are very vulnerable in the first year or so: they cannot make antibodies for a year, and are dependent on their innate developing immune system. My baby, who had gotten three DTaP shots at 2, 4, and 6 months (and the booster at 18 months erased her only words and she was diagnosed with autism two months later) got pertussis at a La Leche League meeting when she was eight months old, and gave it to me. It happens increasingly often now with the very ineffective acellular vaccine, and it doesn’t protect young babies at all anyway, the only ones in danger from the disease, in the first three or four months of life. It can be treated with high-dose IV vitamin C even in the youngest babies, but why go through all that? The buck stops with the parents. Shelter your baby at home, do not take them to La Leche League meetings (get a babysitter and leave the baby at home, and wash your hands when you get home), do not leave them in church or gym daycares. Etc. Babies may totally catch meningitis, pertussis, rotavirus, measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, hep-A, and the flu from germ carriers around them, and may very well have a severe or fatal case because their immune system is still very undeveloped. I am NOT recommending that they get any vaccines. (Except that if a baby between four and eighteen months old is not breastfed and IS in daycare (perish the thought), and assuming the parents somehow got around the vaccine requirements for daycare, they should seriously consider the Hib series starting after four months old (although it causes peanut allergy in one in fifty, I think the danger of disability or death from Hib disease is greater, up to eighteen months old. Or get him the nosode).

    And a really good alternative to the shot ritual is the homeopathic nosode ritual. Kate Birch and Cilla Whatcott have written a phenomenal book called The Solution, on immunizing babies with nosodes on a schedule which they give and explain. Starting with pertussis nosode, since that’s the most likely threat to young babies. Babies could be protected if the mother never got the pertussis vaccine and DID get pertussis: THAT would give permanent immunity, but ever getting the shot means that original antigenic sin will prevent permanent immunity from ever occurring. The Birch and Whatcott recommend the meningitis nosodes, then measles and mumps, and so on. Nosodes really are effective and totally safe. Read what they say on the studies on tens of thousands in Cuba and South America children getting nosodes for meningitis, leptospirosis, polio, dengue fever, and more. The baby gets one dose of one nosode once a month. They don’t recommend the nosodes for hep-B, chickenpox, rubella, flu, and several others, and give their reasons. (They recommend the rubella nosode at closer to childbearing age.)

    Scarlet fever didn’t disappear because of good sanitation. Good sanitation prevents water-borne diseases like cholera,typhoid fever, and rotavirus, but not the respiratory diseases. Scarlet fever is closely related to strep throat and can be caused by the same virus, and, as we all know, most kids still get strep throat at some point. You should wait two or three days (agonizing though they are) before giving the antibiotics which any doctor would prescribe, to allow the body time to make antibodies to the disease, so you don’t get it over and over because you didn’t give your body time before killing the germs. The UK saw a resurgence of scarlet fever last year. It’s always a possibility.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No vaccine works nor can they work.

      The point of this article is to reiterate that germs are not and never were the problem.

      Doctors are dangerous but if germ theory were true nobody would make it out of their offices alive – not that there would be any doctors to begin with.

      We non vaxers have the *ultimate* response to pro vaxers need for a cleansing ritual.

      The ritual is done in the most unclean place by the most unclean person.

      There are many facets of vaccination we can and should attack but this is the most important one.

      *We* don’t have to buy into the fear of germs. We are merely pointing out that if you have this fear then doctors should be your biggest concern.


    2. Celia1000: Scarlet fever, like strep throat, is a toxin-mediated bacterial disease (Streptococcus pyogenes). It appears that antibiotics are contra-indicated since they can increase the production of the toxin. Otherwise, all good, as near as I can tell (I know nothing about any of the remedies you mention).


  3. Excellent Analysis, interested readers could see Confessions of a Medical Heretic, and Ivan Illichs Medical Nemesis for additional background.


  4. You still seem to think that germs cause disease. As long as you think that there will always be some level of fear. The truth is that disease causes germs. Viruses don’t cause disease and bacteria generally don’t either (bacteria are very complicated organisms that nobody fully understands). Once you realise that you experience an awesome level of freedom.


    1. Rixta Francis: We live in a sea of microbes, and haven’t even begun to understand this ecosystem even on the most basic level. They outnumber all other living forms in number by many orders of magnitude, and in mass, as well. What is clear, though, is that they are in charge of the higher animals and plants. We alter this ecosystem, as with vaccines, at our peril.


  5. Bravo! Have added “Official Stories” to the B&N shopping list, along with “The Soil Will Save Us,” by Kristin Olson.


  6. Are you willing to handle a rabid dog or bat, foregoing any vaccine or immune globulin? Is there a rabies germ, and if so, does exposure to it cause rabies disease? Interested in your thoughts on rabies.


  7. All of modern medicine is a religion. A death cult, to be accurate, controlled by the most heinous people on the planet. These puppeteers cause incalculable harm and are fully aware they do. It’s the same people that control banking, the mainstream media, and most governments, and start all the wars. But their time in power will be coming to an end. Keep up this fight and spread the knowledge. Be at least brave enough to forgo vaccines and deal with the scorn when you let the pediatrician and schools know as well. Remember sites like this or Suzanne Humphries’ and use these in place of debates when people ask why you don’t vaccinate (“I don’t have an hour to tell you why, but here are some people that convey why quite well”…or something like that), because red-pilling normies on this stuff takes time and will not be achieved without them looking into it themselves


  8. the longer i am a mom, the less i am able to “follow the rules.” i trusted my doctor & ended up with two c-sections. i stopped reading parenting magazines when i realized they were telling me i was doing everything wrong. i started trusting my instincts. i stopped trusting doctors & had two homebirths. now i am trying to figure out why i am supposed to take my children to well child visits if they are healthy, and i am doing everything i can to support their developing a strong immune system? its rough to be a mom with an unpopular opinion.
    thank you for your awesome work on this!


  9. Thank you for this post. I remembered feeling so heartbroken, as a new mom, when my doctor told me he didn’t have to see my son monthly because we refused vaccines and therefore there was no need for well baby check ups because in the end all they were were oppointments to inject my boy multiple times during the same visit that would cause a reaction but which injection caused the reaction, no one knew. Flash forward 11 years. My son is suffering from a fever for two days, chills and a cough. I take him to the doctors to make sure it’s nothing serious and they are trying to advise me to give him the flu shot. A . He was just diagnosed with the flu B. What would be the point, it would make these a whole lot worse. Living in ca I’m almost afraid to take my kids to the doctors.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Dude.. Seriously? I haven’t checked out this blog in a while and today, I look at the last 3 posts and it’s like you’re reading my mind. Liam Scheff was one of my best friends of all time. That video of him is one of my favorites. This one too: https://aydansrecovery.wordpress.com/2016/06/21/killing-mothers-in-america-vaccination/

    Do you ever do interviews? I think my co-host and I would love to talk to you sometime. Find us at Truther Talk: http://truthertalk.com


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