The problem with calling it all autism

Every once in a while a reader leaves a comment letting me know that my writing about healing from or preventing autism is offensive to them because they are autistic and lead a happy, fulfilling life. The comment always ends with saying their autism makes them who they are, and they wouldn’t change a thing about themselves, and basically that I need to get over myself.

And I’m listening.  I don’t want to insult people with autism while fighting to prevent the next 100,000 kids from developing autism. The 20-year-olds in college, sitting at a computer and leaving comments, aren’t the kids we’re fighting for.  We’re fighting for the kids who have 20 seizures a day.  The eight-year olds with rancid diarrhea running up their backs when it explodes out of their diapers. The kids with helmets on because they can’t stop banging their heads on the walls.  The kids who are nutritionally starving from malabsorption and suffer all the consequences of missing key nutrients and minerals. The kids whose head circumferences shot up from the 50th percentile to the 99th overnight after vaccination. The kids hanging over the arm of the sofa in pain, looking to put pressure on it, but unable to tell their parents what hurts because they lost the ability to speak at 18 months old.

It’s a wide spectrum, which does a disservice to everyone on it.  Mothers of severely vaccine damaged children who see comments from autism/neuro-diverse self-advocates say, “You can get online and advocate for yourself?  You go!  We’re thrilled for you, but we’re busy trying to potty train our kindergartners. We’re not talking about you.”

But it must feel like we’re talking about them or they wouldn’t be leaving comments about hurt feelings, and I want to validate that. Maybe these readers were the classic “little professor” type of kids that were experts on a favorite topic.  Maybe they went on to become wealthy computer programmers in the dot-com boom by taking company stock in lieu of a salary.  Maybe they don’t have any of the gastrointestinal issues, which isn’t to say they don’t have any struggles at all.  Many of them subsist on the “classic autism white diet” that severely effected kids self-limit to– bread and milk products– without being able to recognize that their bodies treat wheat and casein like a drug.  Many suffer from debilitating anxiety, obsessive compulsive behaviors, and social problems that keep them from making friends and leave them feeling lonely. I know one person on the spectrum who is financially successful but is constantly exploding personal relationships and asks for help in repairing them.  I knew two high functioning college kids a few years ago who were in a supported living program but they both had terrible anxiety, couldn’t relay information without getting off track, and couldn’t tell left from right.  Would any of them want to be different than what they are?  I don’t think so.

One autism mom says, ” I wish that the neuro-diverse population would understand that if my son functioned in society as well as they do that I would do a Julie Andrews on a mountaintop.”

Do those with Asperger’s or high-functioning autism have a walk in the park?  Not by any means, but if you’re happy with yourself then we’re happy for you. The kids we’re fighting to heal are severely neurologically damaged by vaccines.  They suffered from encephalopathy after their “well baby” visits. The autism we’re fighting to prevent– not that there aren’t other causes from pregnant mothers taking vaccines, antibiotics, antidepressants, rhogam shots, having mercury fillings, eating mass quantities of herbicide, or kids born near mercury or coal processing plants– is caused by vaccines.

It is Vaccine Induced Neurological Damage Associated with Autism.

VINDA Autism

It’s VINDA Autism, and we should be calling it by what it is. It is damage to the brain and central nervous system.  If your kid doesn’t have VINDA Autism, that’s super, no need to join our fight. You don’t identify with VINDA Autism?  Excellent.  That’s how you know we’re not talking about you, and hopefully your feelings don’t get hurt while we try to prevent VINDA Autism in the next generation.

Will a doctor recognize VINDA Autism if you take your two-year-old in and ask for an evaluation for it?  No, they won’t.  But keep pushing. Use the words.  Use the acronym.  You have the power to make VINDA Autism be a recognized condition just by pushing it forward. If you take part in the Twitter events, start hashtagging #VINDAautism.

Maybe your kid doesn’t have VINDA Autism but they have VINDA Diabetes or VINDA Epilepsy or VINDA Food Allergies. Vaccine Induced Neurological Damage. Go with it.  Don’t let anyone stop you from speaking your truth.  Maybe your neighbor claims that her kids didn’t develop anaphylactic food allergies from vaccination because they have a family history of anaphylactic food allergies.  Good for her, she doesn’t need to use VINDA. She knows her truth, you know yours.

If you think you don’t have the power to make VINDA Autism become a household word, think again.  Just four years ago “leaky gut” was ridiculed as a quack phrase for a syndrome that supposedly didn’t exist. The thought of intestines with weak cell junctions that allowed undigested food to escape into the bloodstream and cause autoimmune disease?  Absurd!

Everyone living in autoimmune hell knew it was true, but mainstream health media forcefully denied that leaky gut was even a condition up until 2012, when it was finally adopted by the medical community as… “high intestinal permeability!”

A search on Google Scholar shows that “high intestinal permeability” didn’t exist in the literature at all until 1992, when a paper about dogs and gluten sensitivity was published in Gut, a gastroenterology journal published by the British Medical Journal Group.  In the years that followed there were a couple of papers about it, maybe eight in 2000, then 16 in 2006, and suddenly there were 40 papers referencing it published in 2012.  I first read the phrase “high intestinal permeability” in the mainstream media in early 2013 and about fell out of my chair. There are now 444 papers on leaky gut. It’s real.  It’s recognized. And the media doesn’t mock it anymore.

So let’s do this together.  I’ll use VINDA Autism from now on, and you use it too.  Maybe, with the success of VAXXED and the movies that will be produced in its wake, and the turning tide of vaccines in the media, and the general public waking from their great slumber, in 2020 there will be 444 studies published on VINDA Autism.

Autism sister Natalie Palumbo said it best: if you can argue against a cure, you don’t need one. And I agree.  If you don’t have VINDA Autism, no one is trying to change you.



  1. These neurodiversity promoters can’t sympathize with those much more severely affected than themselves because that’s what autism is, difficulty getting beyond themselves. They are often paid to crow about how great it is to be on the spectrum by the pharma companies. Their situation is tragic in some ways, as it causes impairment in what it means to be human, and is caused by the same vaccines which caused longer-lasting inflammation and encephalitis in those with classic autism. I totally like the new acronym VINDA, but unfortunately it applies to the neurodiverse as well as to my daughter who suffered four days and nights of screaming syndrome reacting to the hep-B vaccine, given at birth without permission and despite my telling her future pediatrician I didn’t want her to get it, as I had read it often caused autism. She was later diagnosed with autism and aphasia (stroke-like damage to the language center of her brain). 16 on Thursday, and still extremely low-verbal. Four days of encephalitis was enough to cut off blood circulation to the language center of her brain to severely disable her for life. The neurodiversies only had it for maybe two or three hours, still long enough to do not insignificant brain damage.

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  2. Good luck with your attempt to make the distinction here. I will be watching the comments. It has been my experience that it won’t do much good. Fingers crossed.


  3. Excellent idea, with an easy-to-remember acronym. It appears that vaccine-induced neurological damage manifests itself in a variety of auto-immune conditions.

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  4. oh my! you nail it!
    You know Latino Community (where I belong to) has the ridiculous saying that a son/daughter with autism is a “blessing from heaven” and they are “angels”. I want to strangle that people.
    Autism VINDA is NOT a blessing. See? when you have a baby who reached his milestones and was eating a whole apple with skin the day before of his vaccines at 18 months, and now is 7 and have not repeated this feat again, and in fact, you expended years fixing food aversions, sensory HUGE problems, gut issues and more and had to pay out of your pocket (if you are lucky enough to have health insurance) yes, you want to strangle that people.
    So as you described, a young adult who is able to sit in a computer and understand what you wrote, instead of another child with ASD whose brain is not connected and does not even know which hand to use and therefore, too weak to be able to trace his A,B,C’s, would probably not being able either to understand what is read here (if succeed in learning)
    So yes, thank goodness for this VINDA word.

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  5. I’m extremely vocal about my VINDA induced anaphlactic reaction to the TDaP booster almost 3 years ago. Had I no ability to speak, like all of the adorable babies that die sudden VINDA SIDS deaths a few days after vaccintion, I would have met the same fate. Since that shot, I’ve developed a sudden VINDA allergy to treenuts, most specifically walnuts. My daughter is autoimmune, I suspect VINDA issues too. I know with 100% certainty, my issues began shortly after my vaccination and I spent all of January 2014 with fever and stayed sick all year long. Anyone that can mock me (its happened!) or question why I don’t get another vaccination for anything (including my pharmacist – I have serious VINDA ADHD!) may all get in line to kiss my VINDA backside. Keep it up, Its the only thing VINDA that I can agree with. Let’s make VINDA have life because VINDA issues keep taking them.

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    1. It’s a mistake to assume that a tiny vocal minority of high functioning autistic people who write about Neurodiversity represent the entire community of high functioning people. Most anxious people do not want to be anxious. Most socially isolated people don’t want to be isolated. The “Skeptic” movement actively promotes and disseminates the most vehement fringe of Neurodiversity rhetoric – that which tries to shut down any conversation about healing. Let’s not legitimize it.

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      1. The skeptic blogs are nothing more than a CDC-funded PR campaign, PR being a euphemism for propaganda. And yes, all people matter; all people deserve to be treated with basic human dignity, no matter what their story or circumstances.

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      2. All people matter certainly. All points of view should be approached with respect, even those held by only one person. But not all points of view make logical sense, and in this case a point of view promotes a certain agenda. I endorse approaching the neurodiversity movement with respectful disagreement, pointing out logical fallacies respectfully and gently.

        Autism (a collection of symptoms and behaviors) does not have a single cause. Addressing and seeking a cure for autism is not equivalent to seeking to stamp out *associated* personality traits which are not caused by illness or injury. A parent who seeks to address a child’s anxiety or depression is not by definition trying to eradicate that child’s artistic ability or creative personality.

        I hope that people are not so sensitive as to feel backed into a corner of political correctness by the rhetoric of the neurodiversity movement. We must address logical fallacies head on because there’s simply too much at stake.


  6. Hello, I’m an aspie and I’m also a (new born) naturopath, with a passion for health and all of the natural biomedical approach that can improve it. I know well how much treating autism comorbidities, and improving health on a general level can help making the best of autism competences (I’ve seen it on me as well as on some others). I do my very best to try to find a path somewhere in between the “neurodiversity pride” chorus and the “autism is a disastrous illness” one. I’m a member of a French non-profit organisation for self advocacy (Alliance Autiste) as well as of a French biomedical facebook group in order to do my best to learn the most I can about healing (and I read books, of course, when I can afford them and websites such as this one!). I’d be a member of the group “Recovering kids” on facebook if autistic people (without kids) were allowed in, just to keep on learning as much as possible and be able to help others (as far as they care to be helped, very often they prefer taking meds instead of changing anything to their dear “white” diet, indeed!) !
    I’m well aware that there are people much more affected than I, I’ve met some, and I’ve met other autistic people who are well aware of it as well. Please don’t put us all in the same bag!
    As for what causes autism, who knows if I’d be as autistic as I am if I hadn’t been vaccinated at all? If I had never been fed grains and dairy? I’ve heard that some kids who have never been vaccinated are yet autistic. Environmental risk factors pushing the genetic risk buttons can be many, and I bet some neuroimmune challenges already existed centuries ago!…
    Anyway, cheers from France!

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    1. I appreciate your comment, and promise not to put people in the same bag. I know the admin of RK and I think she will let you in. If you need help doing that, leave another comment and I’ll contact her for you. Those mothers know 1000x more than any doctor.


      1. Where can I find a biomed group that does not require someone to be autistic or be a parent to a child with autism? I just want to learn so that I can share with parents of children who need this.


      2. cookie666: You can learn a great deal from NVIC, Age of Autism, lifebiomedguru, The Vaccine Papers, and many more.


    2. If you were born that way, this article most likely doesn’t refer to you as the groups, the Large population world wide of millions of Kids who developed autism were most assuredly Caused by vaccines which caused encephalopathy which was diagnosed as ( regressive ), that developed only after vaccinations. One cause, world wide. But you’re right to tackle the dietary issues as they often seem to be found in those with Kanner’s Classic Autism and often helped somewhat by diet changes. I’ve been around in this subject since 1997 and have opportunity to read many testimonies and attended autism conventions to hear thousands of testimonies and read countless articles, medical articles as well…. Hope you keep finding helps thru the Naturopathis,,and homeopathic fields.


  7. As always thank you so much Levi Quackenboss!!!! I also think that those who stand the ground that vaccines do not cause autism need to start being referred to as anti-recovery.

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  8. BRAVO! As the author of Recovering Autism, ADHD, & Special Needs-I run into some people who defend their position that Autism is a gift.. A higher Consciousness or some other skew. Of the highest functioning ones- I am inspired by your ability to communicate, write and share your opinions, however I write of ways to recover. Just like a stroke victim might lose the ability to speak-so do many children with the impact of vaccines-that moment, that day. We do not say to an older stroke victim.. “Oh, come in – in six months from now for speech.” We start therapy within days or less. We do not spend months going from doctor to doctor asking whether their opinion is that the person can speak at this very moment. We know if they can speak because ..they speak..
    I believe it does a disservice to jump on the bandwagon aimed at confusing people that Autism is from air, water, babies who live near highways or whatever the next fad is that the pharmaceutical company wants to put out. I accept the VINDA challenge..

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    1. I realized two and a half years ago that the vaccine encephalitis had seriously damaged the language side of my daughter’s brain, and the only way to repair it was to teach her English as a Foreign Language. I used the Cambridge University Connect series for middle-schoolers, and it really helped a lot. Now she’s in speech therapy with a professional, but I direct every step. Noam Chomsky wrote of inborn grammatical structures in the brain which were activated when the child heard language used around him, and the sounds and structures used activated the relevant structures, which then clicked in to actively give the child the words he needed. And that’s the answer! Vaccine encephalitis destroys them, but painstaking work with demonstration, modeling, and practice of very specific grammatical structures gradually advancing in complexity, can rebuild them and enable the child to slowly incorporate them and use them. My daughter had never in her life used them, but within weeks of starting Connect 1 (out of four books with CDs) she said THERE it is! It’s over THERE! and It was IN THE GARAGE! when I asked her where she had found my purse. First prepositional phrase EVER! When she saw E.T., she asked WHO is in the toolshed? FIRST TIME EVER using the interrogative pronoun Who?

      Conventional language therapy for the autistic is just based on the premise that they CAN talk but just don’t because of “social anxiety.” And so it’s endless What did you do during summer vacation? What’s your favorite movie? When they don’t have the structures, the vocab., or the cultural background knowledge to even BEGIN to structure an answer. But as long as the establishment REFUSES to acknowledge that the problem is that vaccine encephalitis caused stroke-like damage to the language and social center of the child’s brain, then NOTHING useful will ever happen. But once they admit it, even without using the word “vaccine,” everyone will say Hmmm, what could POSSIBLY have cause stroke-like damage in this child’s brain? And WHY did this only start occurring with the onset of the vaccine epidemic in 1988 (intro of the mercury-containing three-dose HIb meningitis series, followed in 1991 by the mercury-containing three-dose hep-B vaccine, beginning on the day of birth)? And then they wouldn’t be able to talk about it anymore without using the word VACCINE! That’s right, we’ve been causing strokes in MILLIONS of babies for DECADES! No wonder they’re happy to just never do anything to help the autistic kids learn to use language.

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      1. Very interesting, thanks for sharing about the Connect program!

        I think you would find Theresa Deisher’s change-point analysis of autism incidence interesting…it points to the childhood vaccines manufactured on human fetal cell lines as major contributors to the autism epidemic. Deisher’s work is easily found on the web.


  9. I am the mother of two vaccine harmed children, one has VINDA Asperger’s and one has VI (vaccine induced) Type 1 Diabetes. I know that I am lucky because my children are alive, my daughter with Asperger’s is verbal and can look after her bodily needs but we have had trips into VI hell on numerous occasions. There was a stage where I seriously doubted that my daughter would ever be independent of me, now, while there are still many times when she uses me as a sounding board – she likens me to the skull in Hamlet’s speech! – I have hope that she will be independent because of all that we have done with complimentary healthcare.

    More and more parents are speaking out, and this is good, because I have been told on various occasions that it is all my fault and, on one memorable occasion, it was implied that we abused them. I have published our story on Amazon, “What if? I harmed my children” so that others can have the information that I found out along the way and see what vaccine harm is like to live with.

    Thank you for what you are doing x Kelly CS Johnson

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  10. What a beautiful piece of writing. I couldn’t agree with your points more. What saddens me most is how completely preventable autism is. I could write a list of instructions for a parent-to-be to follow, which would absolutely guarantee their child did not develop autism. We already have a ‘cure’. But millions of children will be permanently harmed whilst the facile debate rages on. It is heartbreaking – utterly heartbreaking

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  11. When I am talking about autism I usually just make the distinction as the “regressive” kind of autism. That seems to work.

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    1. My daughter reacted, as tens of thousands have, to the hep-B vaccine at birth. It caused screaming syndrome (vaccine encephalitis). In many babies the symptoms are only blank staring episodes (petit mal seizures) or excessive somnolence, but how many people are going to notice that as something abnormal in a baby? It still causes autism, but because the baby hasn’t had time to develop normally, when he IS diagnosed with autism, it’s easy for pro-vaxxers to say that he was born that way, it’s all genetics (not). I guess it IS regression, but after a period of normal development after birth of only hours.

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  12. Don’t stop fighting for those 20 year olds sitting at a Computer in college! I have one of those! He doesn’t like any reference to the word “autism” as it labels him and creates stigma. Let’s face it; he will never forget the years of bullying in school; the 12 years of therapy he endured; waking in the middle of the night “screaming” in pain due to gut dysbiosis and constipation; the continuous difficulty he has with hand writing and fine motor control due to nerve damage and of course, the years of special diets, supplements and blood draws for testing and travel to the US from Canada for treatment to get him where he is today. I wonder….who would he have been had he not had a reaction to the Pertussis vaccine at 2 months old? If he could get to college (but struggles) after all of this, who might he have been had he never had the shot? Maybe he would have traveled to hockey rinks instead of the therapists office? Maybe he would have had buddies in grade 2 instead of tormentors? Maybe he would have loved himself instead of asking in a depressed state if he was retarded? Those memories stick and never go away. They constitute a childhood trauma and he was one of the ‘lucky’ ones who escaped the group home (his prognosis in grade 6). Perhaps today he is living an NT life but we will never know who he might have been….

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      1. He pretends it never existed. He would be mortified at the idea of me writing this. He lives a lie…. The discrimination he suffered (especially from teachers) was immense and life altering. On a positive note, he did Comedy Improv (even though he still had pretty severe dysarthria and apraxia of speech at the time) all through high school and now is on the University Team. He jokes that to be a good comedian, one must have a history of trauma….


  13. I like the idea, but your acronym makes my inner language nerd twitch. VINDA autism sounds fine, but when you break it out to the actual words, you’re calling it Vaccine Induced Neurological Damage Associated with Autism Autism. Or Vaccine Induced Neurological Damage Associated with Autism Epilepsy. Or Vaccine Induced Neurological Damage Associated with Autism Diabetes. It doesn’t really work. Vaccine Induced works with things like diabetes and epilepsy. Vaccine Induced Neurological Damage Autism even works (VIND autism or just VINDA).

    Sorry, I know it’s pedantic, it just was grating on me.


  14. No, the A in VINDA stands for Associated, and you would put VINDA in front of any number of vaccine-induced conditions, such as the examples I gave. VIND Autism does not roll of the tongue the same, nor does it sound as sinister.


  15. Hello Levi,

    I’m sure you’ve heard by now about the preliminary Johns Hopkins study results released yesterday about high folate and B12 levels being associated with a 17.6 times greater risk of autism:

    I’m just an autism mom, not a scientist. Regardless of that, I managed to write an extensive research paper on autism causation and get it published in 2011. It’s here: (just email the address on the abstract for a reprint if you don’t have access through the pay wall).

    In that 2011 paper, I proposed a specific way – an actual biochemical mechanism – that folic acid could be contributing significantly to the autism epidemic. Since I’m local to the Baltimore area, over the years I’ve begged a lot of Hopkins people to help me test my theory. Those attempts never got far, at least to the best of my knowledge.

    Fast forward to 2016, and now Hopkins researchers are taking the idea of a folic acid-autism connection seriously. I’m pretty sure they’re not going to cite me, though. They might not even know of my paper at all. What’s extremely frustrating to me is that my proposed mechanism of causation could explain the folic-acid link, the SSRI antidepressant-autism link, and the pyrethroid pesticide-autism link, if anyone would bother to look (all three are actually linked to estrogen).

    By now you might be wondering why I’m bothering you about this. Besides the causal mechanism I proposed for development of “traditional” infantile autism, my paper also includes a lengthy section about regressive autism, and hypothesizes how the historically unprecedented practice of prenatal folic acid supplementation may be increasing the likelihood of severe detoxification disabilities which lead to regression and major medical problems. I didn’t use the word “vaccine” for fear of getting rejected by the publisher, but the principle is there.

    In any event, I’m worried that this Hopkins finding will drive an even bigger wedge between members of the autism community, perhaps even drawing attention away from Thompson and Vaxxed. I just wanted to point out that it might not be a wedge after all, and that this finding could conceivably be used offensively against medical mandates.

    Best regards,


    1. Precisely someone with a mutation on MTHFrC667T gene defect, will have this inner tendency to build up folic acid. Non metabolized folic acid. Added folic acid, ingested folic acid. Bacteria residues, you name it.
      Several practitioners though, have made a great effort getting their findings published/ gone public, Dr. Lynch for instance. Dr. Andrew Rostenberg, Frye, Rossignol.
      I did obviously, took F.A while pregnant. My son had GERD which I was totally unaware of, and never connected the dots. My ped never either. Low HCL, extremely common in ASD, makes really hard for them to absorb B12. On a blood test, of course, B12 will be over the roof, although, they are most likely undermethylators.
      Regarding your comment, you well know that “scientists ” will never blame the vaccines. BUT other researchers have pointed at it no doubt. We need to keep doing what we are doing. Unfortunately, new parents will learn the hard way anyway. Google is controlled now too. Facebook is controlling information too. It is harder for new parents to find out the real truth. But as I said, regardless of “new discoveries”, parents like myself testify how our children CHANGED like Sun to night after vaccines. I know my son is +- MTHFRC667T and I know NOW he was caseine and lactose intolerant when baby. (The consumption of dairy will impair folate “pathway” even more) And I took Folic acid even before getting pregnant. BUT, he was OK before those shots. AND, after extensive and expensive treatment, we were able to reverse the damage done to the point he went from moderate no verbal ASD, to Aspergerish. (No fully Aspergers) He is verbal. Do not bang his head or walk tip toe and many more things he had 6 years ago. “Scientists ” say ASD is a condition and you have to live with it your whole life.
      Well. I started biomedical diet and intervention at 22 months. 7 months after the damage was done (Dtp+polio+Hib+Hep A at 15 months) and never went for the 24 months booster shoots. My son is mainsteam no IEP public school student, and if I don’t tell others, they would never know he once, was diagnosed with ASD.


      1. What I don’t understand about the gene mutation theory is: How does one know that a vaccine did not cause the mutation to begin with? At what age was the mutation test done and how many vaccines were already administered prior to testing?

        The idea of mysterious genetic malfunction being the cause seems like a relief to many, not the least of which the CDC et all.

        Regardless, administration of neurotoxins via injection is just not good for human health- central nervous system, organ, immune or any other human body function.

        As far as neurodiversity, I understand the sentiment but it’s being used as a distraction. I am sure many have already seen the comments, articles and inferences, heavily PC tinged, implying intolerance or outright discrimination against disability… simply for suggesting discussion of autism cure. It’s disturbing, and you know the timing is purposeful when the Washington post published a book review of neuro tribes during the vaccine exemption removal storm of 2015.


      2. The experts actually, refer to these mutations as EPIGENETICS. The person may or may not, develop an illness from that defect. Obviously though, vaccines will trigger whatever dysfuntion already exist AND will as well, made this EPIGENETIC change happen. For instance, dad has high homocysteine and hypothyroidism. One ought to assume that free radicals, high peroxide, low glutathione are present as a result. So if the vaccinated child/ baby/ youngter has a mutation in NOS, is not surprising, will have detox issues.
        High amonia + CBS, you name it. As a plus, I took a lot of Tylenol while pregnant. I ASKED the Ob/gy told me up to 7 pieces per day was OK. (No kidding! Luckily I never did this!) I remember taking acetaminophen often due to terrible migraines while pregnant. So, it is totally expected that my son was not able to detox all that unsafe ingredients from the vaccines.
        We knew his genetics on the methylation profile 3 years ago and have been treating accordingly.
        My son was 3 years old and we had no idea his levels of ammonia were stupidity High! Thank God for this few good doctors still alive. My doctor has guided us and I know have a much healthier kid.


    2. Chiara: Thank you so much for the work that you’ve done. It should be noted that folate is an essential nutrient, but folic acid is a chemical which has been used to fortify flour for decades in the U.S. and UK, and elsewhere, but not in continental Europe. It is indeed a problematic addition to the food supply.


  16. Thank you for putting Stephanie in contact with me, Levi. I’m hopeful that she and I will be able to talk later today. In the meantime, I have distilled my paper down to a very short synopsis, which I would like to share here simply for the sake of unburdening myself. It’s been a long five years of no one caring about the potential harm of prenatal vitamins. Here’s my summary:

    Start by assuming a pregnant mom who has a lot of folic acid (FA) and B12 in her system, for whatever reason (maybe too many supplements, maybe insufficient ability to process them). Either way, the fetus has a lot of exposure to vitamins that are supposed to flush right through mom’s body but don’t.

    Possible hypothetical outcomes:

    A. Because of the continuous overexposure to FA, the fetus experiences too much estrogen-sensitive brain growth. FA is known to promote estrogen-sensitive growth, and estrogen is known to impact a number of cognitive functions that are also affected in autism. Testosterone converts to an estrogen in the brain during fetal development, so simply being male would be a natural risk factor for too much estrogen-sensitive brain growth. There are of lots of other drugs and chemicals that interact with estrogen receptors, besides FA, which could add to the cumulative effect. Infantile autism results when total estrogen-sensitive brain development reaches a certain threshold.


    B. The fetus has a combination of mutations in his or her methylation cycle that might have commonly resulted in miscarriage in an earlier, less vitamin-rich era. Steady exposure to FA and vitamin B12 in the womb compensates for the lethal effect of these mutations, perhaps in part because the FA keeps blood homocysteine levels low. Baby is born looking healthy, but possesses from mild to devastating disability in his or her cellular detoxification processes. No one realizes this, and the normal vaccination schedule is given. The baby cannot excrete even small quantities of metal, and his or her system collapses in a highly unpredictable, individualized manner that depends on both the severity of the child’s detoxification disability and the particular environmental exposures.

    Overlap between Groups A and B would be very likely but not necessary. Group A-only members might include the kids with no history of regression or medical issues who grow into an Aspergers-like presentation. Group B-only members might include the kids who suffer regression and serious medical issues after vaccination, but seem to completely lose their autistic features after intense biomedical intervention.

    Thank you again for your help.

    Best regards,


  17. I am all for VONDA acronym and will commence use immediately. I am for VONDA autism, VINDA diabetes, VINDA African Nodding Disease ( yes, that’s a thing. Google it. The absurd names they ascribe to these so called mysterious diseases are borderline insulting sometimes). Anything that normalizes the fact that injuries occur via vaccines, not unlike other pharmaceuticals, is welcome.

    This is a hypnotized topic and propaganda is most successfully met with repetition of the desired change in belief, rather than analytical arguments. Language creates and influences beliefs and norms, as linguists and sociologists have researched.

    Anyway, we’re right where Edward Bernays told us we were back in the 1920s.

    As always, thank you for the article and efforts.


    1. I can tell you are not an autism mom.
      This phony study reminds me of the cliche that “is not that autism has increased. It is only better recognized” right. Like you can hide autism. Quite the opposite.


      1. We have gotten better at identifying autism. In the past these people were probably just called crazy and institutionalised, with no diagnosis.


      2. False!
        What about it you start by knowing how it is autism? You clearly have no idea.
        And nope. This fools (pediatrician) do not recognize it. They keep saying oh it is nomal. Seizures? Nah it is just a funny baby face (real life comment) constipated for 3-5-7 days? It is “not too bad” crying for fear of own shade? Not to worry. Simply avoid sun.
        Rachel you are a Pharma shill.


      3. Rachel: One out of forty-five crazy or institutionalized? You’re simply not using the God-given intelligence you clearly have. At least since the 18th century physicians have actively investigated and written about disease in professional publications. Nowhere in the vast literature produced over the ensuing three centuries is the condition we know as autism described until Leo Kanner did so in 1943. Interestingly, insanity was a consequence of the treatment with mercury compounds, used for more than four centuries, until the discovery of penicillin, of the scourge of syphilis. And it is undoubtedly mercury poisoning that produced these first cases of autism, just as it had produced acrodynia in children and general paralysis of the insane in syphilitics. The causes of brain injury resulting in an autism diagnosis certainly include more compounds than mercury. Aluminum salts used as adjuvants in vaccines clearly play a causal role, and the amount of these injected into infants and children has dramatically increased along with the expanded schedule of mandatory vaccines.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Wonderful comment! Completely true about mercury and aluminum, but, in addition, vaccine encephalitis can be caused by any vaccine, do severe brain damage, and one of the possible results is autism. There is no way to make vaccines safe.


      5. celia1000: Thanks. I consider vaccination 100% quackery. 18th century quackery, and just as crude and contaminated as they were then. I’ve done extensive research, but what put me over the edge was the two Janine Roberts books. I, too, am of the everybody got measles generation. People like Rachel are too young to have any idea what a normal childhood is like. We simply had no special ed classes in elementary school, and institutions for housing more than rare cases of brain-injured children simply didn’t exist. In my teaching career, from the mid ’80’s to the mid 2000’s, I saw roughly a 250% increase in the number of students per class with an IEP. We are destroying the nation, one child at a time.


      6. Look at history and all those undiagnosed “Crazies”!! That is sign enough of how they used to deal with Autistic kids in the past.

        Laughable! Pharma shill?? Really? Why? Because I have a difference of opinion??

        Do you know that the alternative health industry is worth over 30 billion dollars, and yet only about 1/3rd of products are ever tested??


      7. Nope. It’s your attitude not your “diffreent” “opinion” You are typing like you own the truth. But you actually do not know how autism is. I can easily tell. You are just throwing some “facts” with zero purpose. Oh yeah with the only purpose to “prove us wrong” classic.
        Farewell “Rachel”


      8. I think you just don’t like dealing with a different opinion. So would rather attack the individual rather than discuss.

        This study I posted is new (2016), and a new way of classifying autism, and with it possibly new ways of dealing with it, diagnosing, treating etc…
        But you would rather not see the promise this brings but rather have a go at me. You don’t want the truth. You want to be right.


    2. What that means is that everyone is damaged by vaccines to some degree: in most it’s unnoticeable unless you start to analyze the problematic behavior and learning difficulties of the apparently undamaged individual. But every vaccine causes excess inflammation in everyone, which does some degree of brain damage.


      1. How can it be brain damage, or caused by vaccines, when it is in the genes?? And do not forget that not everyone is vaccinated! So your argument falls flat


      2. There is a genetic predisposition to react to vaccines easily, but everyone will react when their personal limit is reached. Autism is NOT genetic per se, as in inborn. There was no autism before vaccines. Methinks thou art a shill. Those who are not vaccinated and whose parents were not vaccinated do not get autism, unless maybe in an unusual mercury poisoning incident. Period. Not born with it.


      3. Where is the proof that there was no autism before vaccines?
        Of course there was. They were just called crazy and institutionalized, without diagnosis.

        And autism has been found to be genetic. ie you are born with it or you are not.
        And you are wrong about kids who are not vaccinated not getting autism, or whose parents are not vaccinated. There are plenty of them out there.

        Also why do you automatically assume I am a shill because I do not accept your point of view? Am i not entitled to mine?


    3. This is quite possibly one of the biggest break throughs in autism research.
      It could change so many things and answer so many questions. It could change the way we diagnose, treat and view autism.


  18. Where is the proof that there was no autism before vaccines?
    Of course there was. They were just called crazy and institutionalized, without diagnosis.

    And autism has been found to be genetic. ie you are born with it or you are not.
    And you are wrong about kids who are not vaccinated not getting autism, or whose parents are not vaccinated. There are plenty of them out there.

    Also why do you automatically assume I am a shill because I do not accept your point of view? Am i not entitled to mine?


    1. This video is very well done. But pretty sure you will debate somehow anyway.
      Thought may share. Mainly for people who may encounter with this post.


      1. About half of injected flu vaccines, such as standard Fluzone, have as much mercury as they ever did, 25 mcg of mercury per dose. Until 2004, flu vaccines were contraindicated for healthy children: after that they were on the recommended list for everyone, and those who get the flu vaccine every year, as recommended, accumulate a huge amount of mercury over time. And dangerous trace amounts of mercury are still in many vaccines at levels way above the hazardous waste level. But beyond that, just plain vaccine encephalitis, caused when the immune system reacts by mounting a stronger inflammatory reaction to the invading antigens than it was hoped that it would do. If it didn’t mount any, no antibodies would be formed, but many people’s immune systems are so alert, so on the ball, that the inflammatory reaction goes past the desired amount, involves the brain, the swelling cuts off circulation, and parts of the brain are damaged or even die, especially the language and social centers of the brain. In other words, autism. Any vaccine can cause vaccine encephalitis because that’s what vaccines do, they cause inflammation. And vaccine ingredients often sensitize the individual immune system to substances resembling them, causing an autoimmune reaction the next time it perceives the substance. So even if they took every last smidgen of mercury and aluminum out of all the vaccines, just the necessary reaction of the immune system causes vaccine encephalitis and brain damage (autism, ADHD, seizure disorders, learning disorders, and SIDS).


      2. I said childhood vaccines.

        But getting onto the subject of mercury, you do know there is a very big difference between elemental mercury and ethyl mercury (thimerosal) the mercury used in the flu vaccine.
        This is very basic chemistry:
        Elements and compounds have different properties and reactions, even though compounds may contain elements.
        Would you eat Chlorine???
        In fact you do every single day through table salt (Sodium Chloride)

        Ethyl mercury has also been found not to accumulate like its more dangerous counter part Methyl mercury.
        Ethyl mercury get rapidly metabolised and excreted by the body.

        Another point you cannot neglect is dosage. A poison is always in the dosage.
        While a glass of water is fine, and in fact necessary for life.
        Drinking gallons and gallons can in fact be dangerous and fatal!


      3. LMAO
        I can see you went to Offit University.
        So I’m assuming Dr. Robert Kennedy Jr book is not worth reading right?
        I gotta let Dr. Palevsky that his assertion regarding mercury on meningitis vaccine is wrong. Rachel said so.
        Rachel. Keep quoting my replies. I already lost interest in you. You are “too smart” and know a lot. Starting about autism. SMH.
        Seriously. Got bored with you already. Sorry.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Read The Age of Autism for proof. Read Handley’s Autism not Really on the Rise? for proof that in 1987 the autism rate in the US was only three in 10,000. Now it’s one in forty. Only pharma shills are trying to make people believe that autism has always been around at the same very high rate as now.


      1. I am not contesting that official figures are on the rise.
        What I am saying is assuming that because of this autism did not exist is wrong. How many kids went un diagnosed in the past? So many of them were just thought of as weird, or crazy.

        We are getting better at diagnosing. And while I am not saying this is the only reason figures are on the rise, I am sure it is having a huge impact.


      2. Wrong again. About a quarter of autistic kids are completely non-verbal. About half are low-verbal, like my daughter. This never used to occur. There were deaf-mutes who couldn’t use language because they couldn’t hear it, and that’s always the first step in an autism diagnosis to check hearing. But it NEVER used to occur that there were children who couldn’t use language. That’s what our brains undamaged by vaccine encephalitis are hard-wired to do. Dr. Spock said that even mentally retarded children could use language. I’m rereading a book published by Mothering in 1997, three years before my daughter was born: Vaccination: The Issue of our Time. I’m on page 180 now, and am surprised that the word autism has not so far been used even ONCE in the whole book. It talks about seizures, asthma, allergies, eczema, but NOTHING about autism, because autism only occurred in three out of 10,000 children from 1948 to 1988 (the year the mercury-containing Hib meningitis series was introduced). It’s a collection of old articles from twenty years of Mothering, but I’m actually surprised that autism wasn’t even on their radar twenty years ago. Because it was vanishingly rare. No one had ever heard of autism before Rainman. All children could talk, listen, reason, and socialize. Because the vaccine and autism epidemics hadn’t started yet. There was no autism before vaccines. There is no autism in unvaccinated populations or among the unvaccinated Amish (except for one boy who lived near a mercury-producing electrical plant). And that’s the tragic way it is. But it won’t remain that way, people are waking up. I think homeoprophylaxis will be the wave of the future, effective and safe. See The Solution by Kate Birch and Cilla Whatcott.

        Now you’re supposed to say that autistic children used to be kept locked up at home or sent to institutions in the country, and then I’m supposed to say that I lived in the sixties, and no one had ever heard of children locked up at home. Seen for two years, and then disappeared forever. Didn’t happen. And what institutions in the country? Who paid for them? Was there a government program then that no longer exists? What was it that funded full-time care for millions of autists for their entire lifetime? Billions and billions of dollars? Really? Bridget Muncie was one of the first autistic cohort diagnosed by Dr. Kanner, and her parents institutionalized her, but even though they were professional and well-to-do, they had a hard time paying for it, and moved her to a less expensive institution (for the mentally ill). And where are these institutions now? At this time there simply aren’t enough available for even a tiny fraction of those seeking such placement for their autistic family member.

        Then you’re supposed to say that the nerds and quirky kids at school were really on the autism spectrum but no one knew it, they weren’t diagnosed as abnormal. Then I say but what about the fact that now every school in the country has impaired children in every class, with a least one para in each, often more? There never used to be any such students, and now there are many at every school. Special autism classes, when twenty years ago, there were none. They have never had any idea how to educate them, even though the autism epidemic started nearly thirty years ago. The autism resource specialist here, Lukin Murphy, wrote a couple of weeks ago to say that up until now they’ve worked on the premise that autistic people really COULD use language, they’ve heard it every day all their lives, but they didn’t WANT to use it, from social anxiety or lack of appropriate exposure and opportunity. I’ve told them for YEARS that it’s brain damage, and you have to teach them English as a Foreign Language, modeling and practicing from the most basic structures and phrases, moving on only when the simple ones are mastered. And NOW he says they’re starting a DASI program next year at one of the high schools, because NOW they’ve realized that autistic people have to be taught to use English directly, as you would to rehabilitate stroke victims who’ve had the language center of their brain damaged by a stroke. And that’s what has happened. Vaccine encephalitis is wrecking the lives of one in forty of our children, and doing some degree of damage to some, many, most of the vaccinated others as well.

        Why are there no records of language-free children who spun in circles endlessly and repeated stims to themselves on the prairie or in ancient Rome, or in Jane Austen’s England? Simple. They did not exist yet. The Age of Autism recounts that the records of Bedlam Asylum in England report that several small children who reacted to the criminal, filthy smallpox vaccine, who had been starting to talk and socialize normally, lost their language after the vaccination and one little girl started picking hot coals out of the fire with her hands. But not many, and it was a new phenomenon with vaccines.

        Then you’re supposed to say Well, would you rather have your child be autistic or dead from measles? And I say that by the time the vaccines were developed, the mortality rate for pertussis had dropped by 75% and from measles by 95%. Sweden didn’t vax for pertussis from 1979 to 1997, Arthur Allen (Bucking the Herd) says that 60% of Swedish children got pertussis in those years, but Dr. Victoria Romanos said that less than one child a year died of pertussis during that period. Because pertussis was no longer dangerous. Measles was no longer dangerous when I had it at six, at a time when 99% of American children had measles by the age of 18. Four million cases a year, the entire birth cohort, with an average of 450 deaths a year, a very low death rate.

        So the question is really Do you want to remain a dues-paying member of the Merck congregation or do you want your child to be healthy and whole without vaccines? And more and more people are answering the former.

        Have you got another shill meme? Sigh. Go ahead, I can answer them all.


      3. I find your response very interesting. It is nice to encounter people who invest time reading from independent sources.
        Regards 🙂


      4. Likewise, I enjoyed your comments too! I’m usually ciaparker2, but I had a hard time signing up to WordPress, I’m not sure how I wound up with Celia, although it’s a beautiful name.


      5. You cannot deny that in the past there were many many kids that went undiagnosed, and were just classified as weird!!!
        And saying that ALL children could talk, reason and were coherent etc?? Just looking at statistics tell you you are wrong.

        And yes autism does exist in unvaccinated children. You are being blinded in your belief.
        Also Amish do vaccinate. Although on their own schedule because they only have doctors out occasionally. And they also do have autisitic children. They even have their own hospital for autistic children.

        And yes everyone know mortality rates of disease had declined prior to the introduction of vaccines. All due to advances in healthcare. This a a pretty typical anti vaccination tactic. Only show the bright side. Don’t show the reality.
        What you fail to mention is that the incidence rates remained high. Regardless of advances in sanitation or anything else you would care to mention here.
        With high incidence rates, so too are complication rates high. With it comes deafness, convulsions and intellectual disability. And ever heard of Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis? It is rare but ends it death some 7-10 years AFTER being infected with measles.

        Please notice bottom graph is rate of death whereas top graph is incidence rate that remains pretty steady, until the introduction of vaccines, then drops suddenly.

        My question to you is this:
        Are you after the truth?? Or do you just want to be right?


      6. Of course there were quirky kids never diagnosed with autism. No one had ever heard of it until the vaccine and autism epidemics started in 1988. But those quirky kids had reacted to the DPT after 1948, some to the mercury-containing diphtheria vaccine after 1922. My brother and I both reacted to the DPT at three months old: I screamed for days (vaccine encephalitis), while he beat his head on the bars of his crib for months (also vaccine encephalitis), and we both grew up with Asperger’s. But no vaccines, no autism spectrum.


      7. I didnt even bother reading all of that because you are obviously too far gone.

        You cannot deny that in the past there were many many kids that went undiagnosed, and were just classified as weird!!!
        And saying that ALL children could talk, reason and were coherent etc?? Just looking at statistics tell you you are wrong.

        And yes autism does exist in unvaccinated children. You are being blinded in your belief.
        Also Amish do vaccinate. Although on their own schedule because they only have doctors out occasionally. And they also do have autisitic children. They even have their own hospital for autistic children.
        Look up clinic for special children

        And yes everyone know mortality rates of disease had declined prior to the introduction of vaccines. All due to advances in healthcare. This a a pretty typical anti vaccination tactic. Only show the bright side. Don’t show the reality.
        What you fail to mention is that the incidence rates remained high. Regardless of advances in sanitation or anything else you would care to mention here.
        With high incidence rates, so too are complication rates high. With it comes deafness, convulsions and intellectual disability. And ever heard of Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis? It is rare but ends it death some 7-10 years AFTER being infected with measles.

        I would post a graph but it would seem it wont allow me to. So please look it up.

        My question to you is this:
        Are you after the truth?? Or do you just want to be right?


  19. I just saw the video above by Mark Blaxill, one of the authors of The Age of Autism. Great video.


    1. Just because vaxtruth says its the same as a food packet you take that as truth?

      I find it interesting that you take your information from a blog.


  20. Rachel, only a shill would say, “I said there was no mercury in childhood vaccines, meaning vaccines primarily designed for children. NOT the flu vaccine, of course, even though it’s on the recommended schedule now for all children every year from six months old on up. No, no, the flu vaccine was PRIMARILY meant for adults, so it doesn’t count, even though it IS accumulating the brains of thousands of children.” Do you have ANY idea how contemptible that is?


    1. You obviously had not read my comment correctly. This is what i said:

      MAY 24, 2016 AT 2:54 PM
      You do know that there is no mercury in childhood vaccines right?

      And the fact that after everything I have said, that is the only thing you find to comment on says it all really.


      1. Since mercury is in about half of injected flu vaccines in amounts as large as they ever were (like standard Fluzone), and flu vaccine is on the list of recommended vaccines for all children, it is just a shill trick to say that mercury is not in childhood vaccines anymore. A shill trick to say Oh, but the flu vaccine is NOT a childhood vaccine, even though all children are supposed to get it.


      2. Ethylmercury is just as dangerous as methylmercury, and Mark Noble and also Birbacher have done studies which show how harmful the ethylmercury in thimerosal is to those who get the vaccines, and how it can cause autism. Read The Age of Autism.


      3. celia1000: Rachel’s defense of mercury gives her away as a pharma apologist/promoter. The idea that any mercury compound is benign is simply preposterous. Only plutonium has higher toxicity.


      4. Agreed. It was obvious she was a shill from her first words. Despicable. But it’s an opportunity to get the information out there to the public.


      5. Just beacuse someone has a different opinion does not make them a shill.

        In fact calling anyone a shill does absolutely nothing for your cause and just makes you come across as brain washed with nothing to back up your opinion.

        Ethyl mercury is very very different to methyl mercury.
        Ethyl mercury does not bio accumulate in the body. It is rapidly excreted.

        Would you say Hydrochloric acid (yes the stuff that burns through hands etc) is the same thing as Sodium chloride (table salt) just because they both contain Chlorine??


      6. And celia, my first words were simply posting a link to a new study that sheds new light on Autism. Which nobody here has really commented on yet!!


      7. Because it’s another lying study brought to us by the vaccine industry. Everyone knows that, and it’s not worth commenting on.


      8. Have you even looked at the study before saying such a thing?? The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Bristol, the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, and Massachusetts General Hospital.

        The antivaccinators ask for more studies on the subject, but when you get them, you auto shoot them down without even looking into them!

        And instead of debating the subject calling me a shill is supposed to make things look better for you?


      9. Rachel: What you linked to was a press release about a study. Press releases are written by public relations departments, and thus should be looked at with a healthy dose of skepticism. Advertising, after all, is public relations in service to sales. Nevertheless, I have just read it for the second time. It appears to be saying little more than that we all have genes which put us at risk for developing autism. How this sheds any light on the etiology of ASD, or treatment, escapes me. It’s almost like saying the sky is blue the world round, and is typical of the sort of worthless science the NIH readily funds. Have you actually read the paper? Likely it is behind a paywall. I have read hundreds of scientific papers in microbiology, toxicology, and immunology; the minutes of FDA vaccine advisory committees; and extensive historical records from medical journals and newspaper articles concerning the uses of and consequences of vaccination. This has led me to the inescapable conclusion that vaccines are, and always have been, very dangerous quackery. We know almost nothing about the microbial world, which represents not only the largest living biomass on Earth, but clearly the command center for mere plants and animals. We have the chutzpah to think we can attempt to alter or abolish microbes without unanticipated consequences? Only a damn fool would entertain such nonsense, for it is pure nonsense.


      10. And just to make things slightly clearer, the researchers of the study I posted have no affiliation to the vaccine industry at all!
        They are mostly in the field of genetics, psychiatry and similar.

        So if you think they are lying, please do explain why.


      11. The only way to prove that a certain genetic profile caused autism would be to compare two groups which both had the genes thought to be problematic, one vaxxed, and one completely unvaxxed. This study did not do that at all. It is clear that there are genetic factors which predispose to vaccine reactions which cause autism. It has never been demonstrated that completely unvaccinated people with those factors get autism, or as much autism, as the vaxxed group. It’s disingenuous to act as though you’re doing anything at all unless you do a genuine study on this.


      12. And yet
        this meta analysis of 10 studies involving 1.2 million children show no increased risk from vaccines.

        More below:

        The rates of autism in vaccinated is exactly the same as the rates of autism in unvaccinated.
        This is what scientists are finding and keep saying repeatedly.

        The wasting of funding and resources into proving the same thing time and time again is detrimental to autism ressearch and development. Those same resources and funding could be used into determining the true reasons for increase in autism numbers and new ways of dealing with it. Instead it is being wasted on proving the same thing again and again.
        The firsts study I posted around autism being genetic and within all of us is a step in the right direction, and looks very promising.


      13. And yet
        this meta analysis of 10 studies involving 1.2 million children show no increased risk from vaccines.

        I can send you more links if you would like ( I can only send 1 at a time)

        The rates of autism in vaccinated is exactly the same as the rates of autism in unvaccinated.
        This is what scientists are finding and keep saying repeatedly.

        The wasting of funding and resources into proving the same thing time and time again is detrimental to autism research and development. Those same resources and funding could be used into determining the true reasons for increase in autism numbers and new ways of dealing with it. Instead it is being wasted on proving the same thing again and again.
        The firsts study I posted around autism being genetic and within all of us is a step in the right direction, and looks very promising.


      14. Rachel: Another press release, and one that reveals a massive conflict of interest as well as glaring confirmation bias. The conflict of interest: Gregory Poland, M.D. is the editor of Vaccine, the journal in which the paper is set to be published. He also works for Merck, overseeing their vaccine safety trials. Confirmation bias: Dr. Poland is one of the most recognizable public faces of vaccine promotion. Also, I suggest you read what Dr. John Ioaniddis (a medical school professor and researcher at Stanford) has to say about meta-analyses. Suffice it to say that they sometimes have value, and sometimes don’t. They are only as good as the power, consistency, and reliability of the group of studies they assess. And since studies comparing outcomes between the vaccinated and unvaccinated don’t exist, how is it possible to analyze them?


      15. And as I said previously, the initial study I linked to, had absolutely nothing to do with vaccinations at all.
        It was simply showing Autism under a new light. ie it is in all of us! But at varying degrees. And currently we only identify the extremes.


      16. You know what the removal of thimerosal from vaccines has done??

        It has made creating and storing vaccines more expensive!!!
        You know what that means? It means it is LESS available and LESS affordable to african or other struggling countries!!

        I could say it is equivalent to kicking a puppy while it is wounded!


      17. Rachel: Just to let you know I will no longer bother to read or respond to the nonsense you write. Whining about the removal from vaccines of the second most toxic substance known to science? You have no moral compass, nor any understanding of any of the issues raised here.


      18. Gary, Since all you seemed to mention is Gregory Poland editor of vaccine, and not the actual studies and the corresponding report that is to be published in vaccine journal I am going to ignore this comment.
        I suggest you comment on the content. And not try to find some irrelevant link.


      19. Rachel: It is not possible to comment on a paper that has yet to be published. I was commenting on the press release, which is not the paper, but which describes the paper as a meta-analysis of studies comparing the rate of ASD in the vaccinated to the rate in the unvaccinated. Since there are no such studies, it is not possible to analyze them. And yes, the most important criterion in the decision to publish a paper is the biases of the editor; he is the one who chooses the peer-reviewers, and you can be certain that, more often than not, he chooses reviewers who shares his biases. This is the way the world works. It is not like in the fairy tales, where all is either good or evil, and good always wins.


      20. Gary the studies have been!
        This report is a meta analysis of those studies.

        Also stating that something is toxic simply because of one of the elements within it shows a lack of chemistry understanding.

        Its like saying that table salt (sodium chloride) is the same thing as hydrochloric acid (yes the stuff that burns through your hand) or sodium hypochlorite

        The initial poster was about trying to qualify a specific type of autism and associate it to vaccine damage.
        My initial post was about a new study that would basically blow that out of the water, since it says that we all carry the genes for autism and are in fact all on the spectrum.

        Nobody has actually commented on it. But rather have either come up with excuses, been attacking me personally or distract and diverte the conversation.

        Is this blog about find and discussing the truth or not?


  21. The MAIN purpose of this individual so called: “Rachel” is to create doubts. To make the reader believe all these Offit pre-written responses and phony studies. I encourage the readers to remember something:
    1. This “Rachel” has never made any comments to: the original post per ce, nor the comments from people who had generously contributed with their personal experiences (like mine)
    2. I also invite the readers to find the videos on YouTube from Dr. Humprhies. She has invested TONS of hours researching vaccines and foremost the dangerous replacement to mercury: Aluminum. Also, I suggest the readers to watch the movie Trace Amounts. Because although in SOME vaccines, thimerosal is not longer used as before, it is still use in the process. There is not 100% mercury free vaccine. There are traces of mercury. Also, please know, that USA may offer SOMETIMES “mercury free” vaccines, but the rest of the world gets the mercury based ones, simple because is too expensive without it. Please do not let lies tell you otherwise. Read the latest book from Robert Kennedy Jr. He is not the only author, MD are authors of that book JFYI. Having mercury free vaccines would cost billions of us dollars!
    3. Also, this so called: “Rachel” skip our comments and demand we pay attention to hers. That is why she said referring to Celia1000 comment: “I did not even bother to read your response”
    4. Her intention is clear. She pretends to be a whoever who simply has the interest in “teaching us” because we are all so damn stupid. She has no intention to contribute with her “opinion”
    VACCINES DO HARM some people. She of course will refute this fact. Bringing a link again maybe?
    5. She also, missed to mention (not even for a sec) about the FRAUD done by CDC. Dr. William Thompson in a letter from his lawyers to the public about his wrongdoing. Media decided to ignore this issue, it does not mean however that did not happen. If you read Dr. Thomson’s book, he explains how vaccines DO CAUSE AUTISM and also explains about tics. Interestingly enough, autism parents (No Rachel) do know about tics after vaccines.
    This comment is not for the shill. Rachel, quote me if you want but you won’t get my time again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Blore, you can say whatever you like about me.

      I DID make a comment to the original poster which was to put a question mark on everything we have believed about Autism from the start and quite possibly is one of the biggest breakthroughs in Autism research, and has absolutely no affiliation to vaccinations at all.
      The fact that you and others find it necessary to attack me, call me a shill or other names instead of discussing what I have brought up, says more about you than it does me!

      I have made corresponding comments to you and others to show where their comment is wrong.

      Are you after the truth?? Or do you just want to be right?


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